About Godset
The venue Godset was established in March 2001 and even back then it helped put Kolding on the map of established scenes for rhythmic music. Godset is a venue that meets all demands that is required of an up-to-date venue.
Godset offers 700 standing or approximately 350 seated audiences and is perfectly suited for both small and intimate concerts as well as the bigger rock events.
Godset has been elected Venue of The Regional five times from January 2005-2008, 2009-2012, 2013-2016, 2017-2020, 2021-2024 and again from 2025-2028. Godset is, together with various associations, working intensely with the musical profile in order to live up to the required demands to regional venues from Det Musikfaglige Udvalg/Kunstrådet.
Apart from the primary activity, which is rhythmic music, the venue is also used for hosting theatre, lectures, clinics etc.
Who are we?
We are the department of Culture at work so to speak.
Godset employes both full time workers and part time workers. We also have an event coordinator from MusikKolding in the house. Besides our employees we're lucky to have people in activation, work trials and internships throughout the year.
There is usually around 8-10 people at Godset every day with the employees taking care of everything from cleaning, maintenance and public relations to maintaining our website, marketing, running the rehearsal facilities and coordinating the many events etc. You can find our employees here.
We are also privileged to have about 130 volunteers covering the concerts week after week.
If you have any comments or questions about the business plan or just Godset ifself you are of course welcome to contact os on phone no. +45 79 79 66 66 or mail.
Other documents (in Danish):
Revised Annual Report for the Regional Venue Godset 2023